- 《be ~》~にイライラする、(人)に腹を立てている
He's very irritated with me.
I can see that you're irritated with me._He appeared a bit irritated with his lawyer's questions.
irritated with 意味
- be a little more irritated with losing sakuto .
部長は もう少し焦燥なさってるとn想像していました - you'll only be irritated with those who expect too much .
期待してるやつにしか 怒ったり ケチつけたりしねえんだよ - he seems rather irritated with you .
君より彼の方が苛ついてるな - you still irritated with me ?
まだオレにむかついてるのか? - i was irritated with them .
私 いらいらしてたんだった。